NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording, event description, and link to download the presentation slides.

Download web conference slides (PDF)

Time-differentiated and dynamic pricing strategies for electricity consumers have had a bumpy history, but because of the rapid expansion of renewables, along with electrification and demand-response programs, we need to move much more quickly to develop innovative rates and energy prices. The disconnect between price signals and marginal costs has complicated efforts to manage the grid and system peaks, and the duck curve continues to grow. We also know that many consumers don’t want to deal with complex pricing schemes, so it’s important to segment your customers to find those who can be flexible. There are more smart meters and technologies available to help customers manage their energy use than ever before, so how can we greatly boost pricing success in the next decade?

Join us to hear two national experts talk about electricity pricing in the context of beneficial electrification and carbon reduction.

Ahmad Faruqui of the Brattle Group and Bill LeBlanc of E Source will have a lively discussion around pricing options such as time-of-use, demand-based, and dynamic pricing. In addition, they’ll explain what strategies have been implemented, where we see pricing needing to change, and how to design pricing options that customers actually understand and want.


Ahmad Faruqui, Principal, The Brattle Group
Bill LeBlanc, Chief Instigation Agent, E Source

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