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Electric vehicles (EVs) will be the primary driver of electricity growth in the coming decades, as well as the pathway to a low-carbon future. EV growth will vary by geography, even down to a neighborhood level. Load-growth forecasts for electric transportation have been based on widely varying estimates, often extrapolating from local policy goals instead of building on solid data—until now.

To help utilities succeed in this dramatically shifting landscape, we designed the E Source EV4Sight consortium to continuously forecast the utility-specific impacts of electric transportation growth. Using our ever-expanding data hub and associated advanced data science, EV4Sight will provide consortium members with ongoing insights into how the charging patterns of consumer EVs and key categories of commercial and fleet vehicles—as well as the factors that determine the charging behavior—influence system loads at the national, state, service-territory, or distribution-feeder level. These insights will help you mitigate unplanned risk on your system.

Key problems EV4Sight will solve

Currently, utilities don’t have access to high-quality data that will help them plan for EV growth. And they need better insight on what really influences EV adoption or charging patterns. EV4Sight helps you mitigate risk by providing the continuously updated tools you need in three key areas.

Charging and load forecasts

  • Changes in charging load demand by time of day, weather conditions, and location
  • The influence of utility program design options and outreach on managed charging, pricing and rate options, incentives, and other areas that affect charging patterns and EV adoption
  • Growth predictions of vehicle makes and models and matching them with likely buyers

Charging habits and locations

  • When and how private versus public charging availability influences patterns and habits
  • Whether there’s a need for additional charging infrastructure
  • Ideal locations for EV charging stations

External influences

  • Regulatory policy changes
  • Economic and gas price fluctuations
  • Model availability and consumer preferences

“E Source’s long-standing role in bringing together utilities to solve big problems will allow each EV4Sight consortium member to learn from the other utilities’ programs and EV data without having to conduct those experiments themselves.” —Bill LeBlanc, chief instigation agent, E Source

Ready to take the next step with EV4Sight?

Key benefits of EV4Sight membership

Reduce risk

Reduce the risk of forecasting errors that can lead to high costs or shortages

Enhance accuracy

Feed consortium data into your utility’s forecasts, enhancing granularity and accuracy because of the multiplicative effect

Augment your team

Let our data scientists do the work of analyzing the many factors that can affect EV adoption and charging behavior for your utility

Learn from others

Learn directly from other electric transportation programs and datasets from all over the US

Build your network

Create relationships with other utilities that are facing the same EV challenges you are

Don’t risk unplanned EV load growth! Take the next step with EV4Sight

Enter your email address in the box below. We’ll reach out to share more details about becoming an EV4Sight consortium member.