In future episodes of our PowerTalking podcast, host Bryan Jungers will speak with E Source experts and utility insiders about:

  • Using data science for grid optimization
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Electrification and decarbonization
  • Electric vehicles, including consumer charging behavior, electric trucks, and growing consumer markets

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Episode 5: All about batteries

March 15, 2022

In this episode of PowerTalking, host Bryan Jungers, director of mobility at E Source, talks with Emily Hersh, CEO of Luna Lithium, and Sam Jaffe, vice president of E Source Battery Solutions, to understand the ins and outs of batteries. Have you ever wondered how exactly batteries are made? Or where the lithium in lithium-ion batteries comes from? We hear from the experts as they discuss the answers to these questions and more.

Episode 4: How our heartbeats can help create better EV ads

December 6, 2021

In this episode of PowerTalking, host Bryan Jungers, director of mobility at E Source, talks with Laura Beavin-Yates, vice president of customer success for Immersion Neuroscience, and Rachel Cooper, director of E Source Market Research, to learn about a collaboration between Immersion Neuroscience and E Source that produced some exciting and useful results. They can help us better understand what consumers think of electric vehicles (EVs) and how to change their behavior around EV adoption by showing which ads and messages are most effective with certain audiences.

Episode 3: Humans versus machines

August 30, 2021

Hear from Ted Schultz, E Source CEO, and Adam Maxwell, a managing director for E Source Management Consulting, as they compare the merits of ethnographic research and data science.

What’s better for customer research? Data science identifies your target individuals at a macro level, while ethnography humanizes those insights. Is a blend the best option? Is one better than the other? Host Bryan Jungers, director of mobility, talks with our experts to find out.

Episode 2: The past, present, and future of demand response

June 7, 2021

In our second episode of PowerTalking, host Bryan Jungers is joined by Rachel Reiss Buckley, vice president of Enterprise Strategy and Product Development at E Source, and Mark Martinez, senior portfolio manager of emerging markets and technology at Southern California Edison. They deliver a brief history of demand response (DR), explain how data science is improving program participation, and describe some of the largest hurdles in the DR space today. Rachel and Mark’s combined decades of DR knowledge help to paint a complete picture of how the strategy works and where it’s headed in the future.

Episode 1: Will legacy car companies ever truly embrace EVs?

April 12, 2021

In our inaugural episode of E Source PowerTalking, host Bryan Jungers chats with E Source’s chief instigation agent Bill LeBlanc and electric vehicle (EV) advocate Chelsea Sexton to answer some questions around EV trends. Humorous yet in-depth, this episode is a rich dialogue about the future of EVs, discussing everything from car battery size to EV market penetration.

Let’s connect

If you heard something in one of our episodes that you liked or want to discuss further, provide your email address and we’ll schedule a time to chat.