NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording, event description, and link to download the presentation slides.

Download the slides | Improving your customers’ outage experience

An electric outage can make or break a customer’s perceptions of their utility. While outages can’t be eliminated completely, utilities that understand and adapt to customer expectations can transform outages from experiences that lead to dissatisfaction to those that create greater satisfaction and loyalty. In this peer exchange, which is exclusive to members of the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association, we’ll discuss how to deliver communications, tools, and information to customers so an outage becomes a better experience.

Potential topics include:

  • Research findings from the E Source Residential Customer Insights Center
  • Utility insights from the E Source 2019 Digital Metrics Survey on outages
  • Effective ways to communicate the why, what, how, and when of outages
  • How employees can provide better experiences during outages

Through E Source exchanges, you can build a topic-specific network of utility professionals who can help you find solutions to your toughest challenges.


Eryc Eyl, senior solution director, Customer Experience, E Source
“Jessica Bailis”, solution director, Marketing and Communications, E Source

Who should attend:

Tennessee Valley Public Power Association utility members who are interested in improving outage experiences and communications.

Interested in this event but can’t attend? Register anyway and we’ll notify you when the presentation and recording are ready for on-demand viewing. Questions about this event? Send us a message.