Is your demand-response (DR) program up to the challenge of meeting increasing grid variability as a resiliency resource? E Source has the research and expertise to ensure that your utility is using DR to its fullest potential—as a flexible resource to meet the changing grid—while keeping customers’ needs at the forefront of your operations.
Our utility clients tap into our library of actionable research and best-practice advice, voice-of-the-customer market research, and industry experts to take their DR programs to the next level. We use data science to help you determine which programs to offer to the right audience and to assess and plan for grid impacts. Our experts help with market potential, effective program design and implementation strategies, predictive customer targeting, and strategic marketing campaigns and messaging.
Regardless of where you are in your DR deployment, we can help with:
Getting started with DR or expanding your portfolio
You’re ready to launch a new DR program to help build out your portfolio. You need to understand:
- What kinds of loads to include and from which sectors
- What DR programs have worked well at other utilities
- How to select a vendor
Resources to help build out your portfolio
Members of certain E Source services can access other resources, such as these reports:
Jump-start your DR program development efforts
Research and advisory
The Demand-Side Management Service includes access to DSMdat and the DSM Evaluation Library and provides information on who’s doing what and recommendations for your organization
Our consulting teams and Energy RFP database can help you write an attractive request for proposal (RFP) and select the best vendors for your project
Data tools
Measure Insights compiles measure-specific data from demand-side management (DSM) technical reference manuals into a structured database, revealing the measures other jurisdictions are including in their DR programs
DSM Insights contains data on DSM program goals, budgets, spending, and savings from DSM regulatory filings, enabling you to benchmark all aspects of your DR programs
Finding the right participants for your customer-centric DR programs
Your customers may be more willing to contribute to your DR efforts than you think. Do you know what motivates them to participate? Do you understand their incentive preferences? What if you could make your DR program outreach more cost-effective by targeting only the customers with the highest propensity to engage with your program?
Resources to help you find the right participants
Expanding demand-response capabilities within underserved commercial sectors

Finding the best customers to deliver program performance

Members of certain E Source services can access these additional resources:
Optimize your DR program engagement strategy
Data science
OneInform uses data science to help you identify the right programs for the right customers to achieve maximum DR potential
Our consulting team applies proprietary Market research to facilitate a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs and behaviors and transform their customer journey
Balancing grid variability with DR
More-severe weather events and wildfires, coupled with increased penetration of electric vehicles and solar in certain areas of your territory, mean that you need flexible grid resources. How ready are you to balance loads at a local level and to position DR as a distributed resource?
Resources to help you balance grid variability
From direct load control to flexible grid management: The evolution of demand response

The promise and challenges of smart home energy management

Members of certain E Source services can access these additional resources:
Ensure that your DR program can serve as a flexible grid resource
Research and advisory
The Technology Assessment Service helps you stay abreast of cutting-edge DR technologies and techniques to use in your program
Data science
OneInform leverages machine learning to simulate program and grid impacts so you can avoid costly system upgrades
Meet our experts

Luke Beckett
Decarbonization, Distributed energy resources (DERs), Demand-side management (DSM), End-use and emerging technology topics
See bio
Rachel Reiss Buckley
DSM portfolio management, Program benchmark, Program results, Demand response (DR) programs, Energy efficiency programs, Smart thermostats
See bio
Rachel Cooper
Customer engagement, Customer satisfaction (CSAT), Electric vehicles (EVs), Segmentation, Voice of the customer (VOC), Voice of the utility (VOU)
See bio

Will Gifford
Data science, Customer personas, Time-of-use (TOU) pricing programs, Electric vehicles (EVs), Evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V)
See bio
Michael Hartnack
Distributed energy resources (DERs), Renewable energy, Demand response (DR) programs, Electric vehicles (EVs)
See bio
Katie Ruiz
Distributed energy resource (DER) strategy topics, Efficiency and demand response topics, End-use and emerging technology topics
See bioLet us help optimize your DR program
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