NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording, event description, and link to download the presentation slides.

Download web conference slides (PDF)

Because of COVID-19, your trade allies have taken a considerable hit to their businesses over the past few months, like many other businesses have. Even as states begin reopening, many trade workers and contractors will likely struggle to financially recover. In this web conference, we’ll discuss how you can support trade allies as restrictions are lifted and as people return to life pre-COVID-19. We’ll also help you plan for future COVID-19 outbreaks and discuss how to support your trade allies in the long term.

You’ll learn:

  • The types of support that trade allies and contractors want from their utility partners
  • Examples of how utilities are successfully supporting trade allies
  • Ideas for how to support your trade allies during future COVID-19 outbreaks


Luke Beckett, Product Manager, Customer Energy Solutions, E Source


Brysen Daughton, Analyst, Customer Energy Solutions, E Source
Matt Michel, President, Service Roundtable

For more information about this event, please email us or call 1-800-ESOURCE (1-800-376-8723).