Electrification is the increased adoption of electric end-use technologies. The concept isn’t new; we’ve already seen three waves of it. But today, utilities, governments, and other stakeholders see electrification as a way to reach their energy, climate, and sustainability goals. For them, electrification is a strategy for:

  • Reducing carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) levels
  • Modernizing and optimizing the electric grid
  • Creating social and environmental equity

We call this approach beneficial electrification. It aims to improve social and environmental outcomes for as many people as possible by:

  • Lowering the costs of energy use
  • Reducing GHG emissions and air-quality impacts
  • Improving comfort, convenience, and productivity
  • Managing the electric grid efficiently

This E Source white paper offers a framework for developing electrification programs that benefit people and the environment.


Contributing Authors

Associate Director, Customer Energy Solutions

Steven Day researches distributed energy resources, specifically EVs and solar energy. Before joining E Source, he worked for a...