Can your behavior program deliver 2% savings? What about 3%, 5%, or even 10%? This interactive, rapid-fire session highlighted the latest glitz and glamour in behavior programs and revealed which new programs have real take-home value. Three of your utility peers who have explored new behavioral strategies—including high-bill alerts, prepaid billing for demand-side management, and optimizing home energy reports with connected digital solutions—talked about their successes and challenges.

After the session, we asked Amanda Janaski from BGE and Ebony Whitby from OUC a few questions about their programs. Check out their video responses below.

Amanda Janaski, product manager of behavioral programs, BGE

Our questions for Janaski:

  • How does a customized threshold for high-bill alerts help customers manage their bill? (0:11)
  • How has segmentation affected the cost-effectiveness of your energy-efficiency programs? (1:00)
  • How is BGE collecting more and better data to improve behavior programs? (1:26)
  • Can you describe your behavioral demand-response (BDR) program and your behavioral load-shaping pilot? (2:05)
  • How does prepay change the utility/customer relationship? What financial benefits does it have for BGE? (2:33)

Ebony Whitby, customer service manager, OUC

Our questions for Whitby:

  • How do prepay programs benefit OUC’s customers? (0:11)
  • How do you communicate with customers who are enrolled in the prepay program? Do you use alerts to help remind them about bills? (1:41)
  • How does prepay change the utility/customer relationship? What financial benefits does it have for OUC? (2:55)