The best tools save you time and help you do your job better. That’s why we’ve rebuilt our powerful E Source DSM Insights and E Source Measure Insights tools with simpler layouts for easier navigation, so now you can find exactly the data you need faster than ever before.
DSM Insights
What is it? DSM Insights is an an information super-tool, loaded with the latest demand-side management (DSM) program and portfolio performance data.
As one E Source DSM Insights subscriber noted during a training session, “What you just did in three minutes used to take me three hours.”
Who’s it for? It’s for utilities and their DSM solution provider partners, including program managers, energy-efficiency directors, customer solution directors, planning and evaluation analysts, and business development strategists.
How will it help? DSM Insights lets you access, analyze, and share a wide range of updated and accurate data quickly, using search filters tailored to your specific needs. New features—including the portfolio benchmarking dashboard—help you design and compare programs with ease and efficiency. As one subscriber noted during a training session, “What you just did in three minutes used to take me three hours.”
Track and compare utilities based on criteria including:
- DSM program budget, design, and performance
- Release dates for upcoming utility portfolio plans
- Annual revenue
- Number of customers
- Incumbent providers
Plus, we provide links so you can navigate directly to the original source data, documents, and online dockets.
Figure 1: DSM Insights Database Coverage dashboard
Measure Insights
What is it? Measure Insights is a powerful online data analytics platform that compiles and indexes information found in DSM technical reference manuals (TRMs) for 251 unique technologies across states, provinces, and regions.
According to one subscriber, “Our program forecasts are more accurate because of the Insights tools.”
Who’s it for? It’s for utilities and DSM solution providers, including program managers, energy-efficiency directors, customer solutions directors, planning and evaluation analysts, and business development strategists.
How will it help? Measure Insights provides fast access to up-to-date, measure-level details that help you calculate costs, determine savings, and estimate measure impacts as you plan and evaluate DSM programs. According to one subscriber, “Our program forecasts are more accurate because of the Insights tools.”
Search filters include:
- Effective useful life
- Incremental measure cost
- Annual kilowatt-hour savings
- Annual operating hours
- Free-ridership rates
And, of course, you can navigate directly to the original source data and documents.