Check out this case study to learn how the E Source Water Loss Consulting team partners with water utilities to manage and reduce water losses.

The challenge

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is well known for its industry-leading conservation programs, but historically those conservation programs have all focused on end users. MWDOC wanted to establish a regional supply-side efficiency program to encourage its member agencies to reduce costly water loss, employ industry advice, and prepare for changing regulatory requirements.

The solution

MWDOC enlisted E Source to help kick off the first five years of its regional water loss control program. The program has been a resounding success ever since. Thirty of Orange County’s 31 agencies have participated in the program offerings, which include:

  • Technical assistance with water audit compilation and validation, raw data analysis, component analysis of real and apparent loss, and proactive leak detection
  • Bimonthly workgroup meetings focused on education, capacity building, and peer dialogue
  • Shared services such as customer meter testing

The results

The MWDOC water loss control program has grown each year since its inception. Now MWDOC is building a water loss control division, in part through a US Bureau of Reclamation grant that the MWDOC water loss control workgroup won. The division offers water audit validation, leak detection, subcontracting of customer meter testing, and pressure-logging services to all Orange County agencies at a reduced cost.

Though Orange County is just getting started, the agencies have already set the bar for proactive engagement with water loss in California. It’s amazing what can happen when a region pools its resources to work toward a shared efficiency goal.