In April 2018, we brought Tennessee Valley utility peers together for a day of collaboration focused exclusively on your LPC, your customers, and the changes taking place across the utility industry.

Via the links below, you can download presentations from the event.

The Utility Customer Experience of the Future

Customer expectations are changing and new technologies are entering the market at breakneck speeds. We’ll explore how customer perceptions are changing, how the technology-adoption cycle is affecting customer desires, and a few technologies that are becoming popular with customers.
Aleana Reeves, Senior Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Aleana Reeves’s presentation, The Utility Customer Experience of the Future (PDF)

Industry Trends: How CX Can Help Stop Load Defection

By taking a look at the changes taking place in the utility industry, we’ll explain how the utility of the future needs to be shaped around a strong customer promise and customer value proposition to prevent load erosion.
Kenneth Black, Chairman, E Source

Download Ken Black’s presentation, Utility Industry Trends: The Future Is a Bumpy Road (PDF)

Energy Service Intermediaries

Other energy service providers are looking to become intermediaries between you and your customers. We’ll examine several of these entrants and the customer experiences they’re creating as well as the marketing techniques they’re using on your customers.
Jeffrey Daigle, Associate Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Jeffrey Daigle’s presentation, Energy Service Intermediaries (PDF)

Tech Roundup

Join us to learn about new and emerging technologies for the connected home, commercial and industrial customers, and customers interested in DERs or energy independence. No hype here—all of these technologies have been identified and vetted by the experts on our technology assessment team. Learn how you can leverage our industry expertise and connections to streamline your process for considering new measures and rolling them out to your customers.
Logan Jacobson, Analyst, Technology Assessment, E Source

Download Logan Jacobson’s presentation, Tech Roundup (PDF)

Workshop: Building Your Social Media Playbook

Social media isn’t just for moms and millennials anymore. It’s a pivotal communication and customer service channel and an important way to protect your relationships with customers. Join us as we help you create a strategy that covers how you message, converse, and serve on social media.
Luke Currin, Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications, E Source

Download Luke Currin’s presentation, Building Your Social Media Playbook (PDF)

Emapthy-Mapping Workshop: Designing for the Customer

Why does the customer experience matter when it comes to your DSM, electrification, and DER programs? Learn how putting the customer first in program design can improve program performance and the customer experience.
Jeffrey Daigle, Associate Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Jeffrey Daigle’s presentation, Designing for the Customer (PDF)

Growing Revenue Through Value-Added Services

Even as electrification improves the load-growth outlook, you need to increase top-line revenue in order to offer additional services, maintain financial solvency, invest in future operations, and counter intermediaries. We’ll review a variety of value-added services that can help you grow revenue and meet customers’ needs.
Luke Currin, Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications, E Source
Jeffrey Daigle, Associate Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Luke Currin and Jeffrey Daigle’s presentation, Growing Revenue Through Value-Added Services (PDF)

Customer Program Case Studies

During this session, we’ll highlight several examples of the programs, technologies, and approaches we’ve mentioned throughout the day.
Jordan Tobey, Analyst, Demand-Side Management, E Source

Download Jordan Tobey’s presentation, Customer Program Case Studies (PDF)

Effectively Marketing Your Offerings

In this session, we’ll share examples of effective marketing strategies and campaigns and demonstrate how E Source resources can bolster your efforts. Then we’ll break into small groups to critique the actual marketing materials we asked you to bring to the meeting.
Luke Currin, Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications, E Source

Download Luke Currin’s presentation, Effectively Marketing Your Offerings (PDF)