NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording and event description.

Download the slides | Residential utility customers still have a lot to learn about EVs (PDF)

Among residential utility customers, awareness of EVs—and their interest in buying them—has never been higher. But in our 2023 Electric Vehicle Residential Customer Survey, we’re still seeing gaps in customers’ understanding of EVs, EV programs, and EV technology.

Utilities should help customers learn more by acting as a trusted energy adviser in the EV space. Our market research on residential customers can help you figure out where to focus your efforts.

This is an E Source exchange. It’s an online conversation where you can share ideas on specific topics with other utility professionals. In this exchange, we’ll bring together utility peers to discuss our latest residential customer EV market research.

Potential topics include:

  • Barriers to residential customers’ transition to EVs and how to help overcome them
  • Residential customers’ preferences around EV purchases and programs
  • EV owners’ habits and how they should affect your programs and marketing


Steven Day, Research Manager, Customer Energy Solutions, E Source
“Paige Martin Cox”, Lead Analyst, Market Research, E Source

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