NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording and event description.
Managing affordability is a critical need and strategic priority for utility industry stakeholders. Join us for a webinar exclusively for utility regulators. We’ll review the findings from the E Source Low Income Energy Issues Forum (LIEIF) survey of 1,000 low- and moderate-income (LMI) consumers.
We wanted to understand LMI consumers’ perspectives on and attitudes toward utility bill affordability, energy-saving behaviors, and their utilities’ income-qualified demand-side management (DSM) offerings. We’ll test basic assumptions about LMI customer strategy in the utility sector and identify potential solutions to challenges related to income-qualified DSM programs.
Jamie Wimberly, Senior Vice President, Customer Strategy Solutions, E Source
Ben Nathan, Director, Affordability and Equity, E Source
LIEIF conducts research on utility bill affordability, shares information, and identifies solutions to help close the widening gap between what vulnerable energy consumers can pay and their utility bills. LIEIF members work for utilities (both investor-owned and municipal); state regulatory agencies; social service agencies; research institutes; consumer organizations; national associations and other nonprofit organizations; and creative, analytical, and software businesses.
About E Source
E Source blends industry-leading research, predictive data science, and solution services to help utilities make better decisions to support their customers, their bottom line, and our planet. With a commitment to practical innovation, we use more than three decades of utility-focused experience and our unique solution set to help clients achieve their goal of becoming the Sustainable Utility.
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