Jay Stein is focused on expertise development, research skills development, quality control, new product development, and technology assessment. Jay is a specialist in HVAC, high-tech industrial process technologies, and the IT industry; he works closely with the E Source Technology Assessment Service. During his tenure at E Source, he has served as project director for several high-profile reports and market research studies, and is a regular contributor to the annual Tech Roundup web conference.

Over Jay’s nearly 40-year career in the twin fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy, he has designed utility demand-side management programs, advanced HVAC systems, and solar thermal collectors. He has also authored and coauthored hundreds of technical papers, magazine articles, and book chapters. Before joining E Source in 1996, Jay cofounded E-Cube Inc., an energy consulting firm specializing in building energy analysis and commissioning. He has a BS in agricultural engineering from Rutgers University.

Content by this author

Highlights from our spring tech roundup: Four trends to keep an eye on

Luke Beckett, Michael Hartnack, Bryan Jungers, Jay Stein
August 3, 2021

We recently discussed 11 technology trends we see on the horizon as part of our Spring 2021 tech roundup webinar. Here’s an exclusive look at four of the hot tech trends we covered.

Are advanced low-e window films valuable for DSM programs?

Jay Stein
November 5, 2019

Although multipane windows are far more energy efficient than single-pane windows, their high cost prohibits widespread use. In this answer, we provide details on new low-e window films and explain why they’re superior to traditional window films for reducing heat loss.

Don’t assume Trump will stop the HFC phasedown

Jay Stein
January 3, 2017

Because President-elect Trump regularly expresses disdain for climate-change regulations, some assume that the new administration will obstruct the international and domestic statutes to phase down HFC usage. The situation is actually more complex, and US support for an HFC phasedown may survive.