E Source Innovation in Customer Design Awards logo

The 2019 E Source Innovation in Customer Design Awards is now closed. Stay tuned for our announcement of the finalists and join us at E Source Forum 2019 as we celebrate the winners. For information about the contest or the Forum, Contact Us.

Has your utility developed new programs, products, or services that are truly customer-centric? If so, we want to hear about it for consideration to win one of our E Source Innovation in Customer Design Awards!

E Source will be honoring utilities who use design thinking and other human-centered approaches to help develop their products and services. We’ll give awards in three categories:

  • New residential products or services
  • New business products or services
  • Innovation in utility culture

Submissions should focus on the value delivered to customers and should include a description of why you believe it’s an innovative offering. We don’t want to see programs that are primarily designed from the utility’s point of view. Instead, we’re looking for:

  • Solar solutions
  • Battery or storage solutions
  • Connected home or business solutions
  • Customer-centric electrification efforts
  • Electric vehicle programs
  • Energy-efficiency or behavior-change programs
  • Holistic customer-centric bundled offerings of historically disparate utility-centric offerings
  • Innovative rate design
  • Innovative demand-response approaches
  • Low-income solutions
  • Organizational culture changes related to enabling customer-focused activities, operations, and outcomes
  • Value-added products or services (including revenue-generating products or services)
  • Any significant organizational change or program in which human-centered innovation is highlighted as an outcome

Winners for the 2019 E Source Innovation in Customer Design Awards will be announced during E Source Forum 2019 in Denver.