In May 2019, we brought Tennessee Valley utility peers together for a day of collaboration focused exclusively on your LPC, your customers, and the changes taking place across the utility industry.

Via the links below, you can download presentations from the event.

The Rising Tide of Customer and Market Expectations

During this session, we’ll discuss how you can respond to rapidly changing customer expectations and the ever-evolving energy landscape.
Ken Black, Chairman of the Board, E Source

Download Ken Black’s presentation, The Rising Tide of Customer and Market Expectations (PDF)

Enhancing Brand Perceptions: Revitalize Your Brand and Win Your Customers’ Hearts

Your utility is in danger of losing brand value as other companies compete for your customers’ attention. By following the path of successful brands—from both inside and outside the energy industry—you can revitalize your brand and win your customers’ hearts.
Jessica Bailis, Analyst, Marketing and Communications, E Source

Download Jessica Bailis’s presentation, Enhancing Brand Perceptions (PDF)

High-Performance, Low-Cost CX: The State of the Energy Industry

We’ll share results from our recent voice-of-the-utility studies, the E Source Digital Metrics and Contact Center Performance surveys, and discuss opportunities for you to continue improving your customer channels.
Jeffrey Daigle, Director, Customer Experience, E Source
Aleana Reeves,Senior Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Jeffrey Daigle and Aleana Reeves’s presentation, High-Performance, Low-Cost CX (PDF)

Tactical Recommendations for Developing a Customer-Centric Culture

During this engaging, interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to enlist, enroll, and involve employees across the utility in a customer-centered strategy. We’ll introduce you to a powerful framework for rethinking your approaches to customer and employee engagement.
Jeffrey Daigle, Director, Customer Experience, E Source
Aleana Reeves,Senior Director, Customer Experience, E Source

Download Jeffrey Daigle and Aleana Reeves’s presentation, Engaging Employees in Developing a CX Culture (PDF)

Effectively Reaching and Serving Low-Income Customers

The low-income segment offers incredible potential for customized, memorable interactions. During this session, we’ll explore everything from payment options to marketing tactics that can help you effectively reach and serve this important group of customers.
Jessica Bailis, Analyst, Marketing and Communications, E Source

Download Jessica Bailis’s presentation, Effectively Reaching and Serving Low-Income Customers (PDF)

The Power of Self-Service Channels

Join us as we demonstrate how to find best practices for websites and IVRs in our Website and IVR Design Centers. We’ll then explain the important steps you can take to improve these self-service channels.