Understanding your customers is an important part of designing effective electrification programs and services. To help you engage with your customers and understand the market for electrification technologies in your service territory, E Source designed a survey to gather information on this topic from residential customers. We focus primarily on three technologies: heat-pump water heaters, heat pumps for home heating and cooling, and induction cooktops.

Topics covered in the 2024 study include:

  • Familiarity and awareness of electrification technologies
  • Motivators for owning electric appliances and equipment
  • Purchase behavior for home appliances and equipment
  • Familiarity and use of federal incentives for electrification technologies

Ask us how to access our insights or to field this study in your service territory

  • If you’d like access to the survey insights, or if you’d like us to field the survey in your service territory, please fill out this form.

What you get

If you’re an E Source member, you’ll get access to reports and webinars related to the Residential Electrification Survey. Your access is limited to the services your utility subscribes to. If you’re interested in receiving a specific report, but your utility doesn’t subscribe to the E Source service that hosts that content, please contact us.

Members of the E Source Distributed Energy Resource Strategy Service will have access to all content related to the survey. Content will focus on creating effective building electrification strategies, pilots, programs, and other customer offerings.


We recruit participants using a purchased sample of US and Canadian residential households from global online market research firm Dynata. We only sample respondents who own their home. We set quotas for age, gender, income, and geographical location. And we apply postfieldwork weighting on the sample to reflect population norms.

Study results

Results from the 2021 survey

If you’re an E Source member, this link will take you to the report containing results from the study. If you’re not currently a member, contact us for information on how to become a member.