The International Transmission Operations and Maintenance Study (ITOMS) program measures performance in terms of service level, cost, and productivity within transmission operations and maintenance. This comprehensive methodology extends to capital spending, asset management, operational processes, and key performance indicators. ITOMS enables members to gain valuable insights and identify best practices through detailed analyses, interviews, webinars, and member sharing to jump start their own journey to improved performance.

Every two years, members gather at a conference to collaborate on innovative approaches and solutions to the challenges facing the electric transmission industry. This event provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn from peers who have successfully implemented similar processes, policies, and practices, fostering a collaborative environment for continuous improvement.

Member benefits

Finding innovation implementation successes. Leverage peer members’ experience with pilots and implementations.

Validation of improvement initiatives. Quantify the impact of specific performance improvement strategies.

Work delivery productivity and performance. Compare internal groups to global benchmarks to identify and grow your own centers of excellence.

Asset lifecycle plans. Facilitate maintenance enhancements, moving from historical time-based activities to diagnostic condition-based or risk-based maintenance programs.

Regulatory support. Supplement regulatory submissions with validated and globally accepted benchmarks to reduce excessive mandatory compliance activities and costs.

Industry leadership

Created in 1994 by 9 global transmission organizations, the ITOMS membership currently consists of over 30 leading industry organizations.

Program leadership is by a 5-member Utility Steering Committee providing governance of study scope and schedule. Since the program inception, we have provided program management, analysis, facilitation, and operational expertise in support of the program.

Utility Steering Group

Program takeaways

Through member collaboration and sharing experience, ITOMS helps to identify industry leading practices and innovative approaches to the most pressing issues and challenges across the industry. In addition to insights from other ITOMS members, occasionally, leading industry subject matter experts conduct informational sessions to provide perspective on the evolving utility landscape and how to strategize for the coming changes. Recent topics explored include:

  • SF6 replacement strategy
  • ENTSO-E vision for a carbon neutral Europe
  • Asset Health Indices development and approach
  • Increasing role of HVDC in electric transmission networks
  • Strategy for adapting to rapid growth of renewable energy connections
  • Touchless substation approach and result

What our customers say

We leveraged the ITOMS exchange of knowledge and peer contacts to develop new ideas and proofs of concepts in areas such as Patrol & Inspect innovations, substation digitalization and IoT, and risk-based vegetation management.

Collecting data for ITOMS provided us with the unexpected benefit of a gap analysis of our data systems. Clearly, we didn’t know what we didn’t know.

We used practices presented by ITOMS top performers to convince the regulator to accept a change in our protection testing frequency.

ITOMS is our channel to address Shareholder Regulator performance expectations on reducing Energy – Not-Served and improving efficiencies.

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