E Source congratulates the City of Tallahassee, Florida, for completely delivering its customer information system (CIS) project. In cooperation with City leadership, management, and all project members, along with E Source’s program management team, the City has successfully deployed and is now live on its new Itineris UMAX Customer Information and Customer Self-Service System, Honeywell Meter Data Management System (MDMS), and Paymentus payment solution.

The City of Tallahassee selected E Source to help the award-winning utility continue its strategy and commitment to its constituents of world-class customer service by modernizing its systems. The City’s incumbent systems were not meeting its evolving needs and could not keep pace with its commitment to deliver reliable, efficient, and new services.

The E Source NavigateOneTM Methodology guided the CIS and MDMS implementation. E Source assessed the City of Tallahassee’s needs and managed the RFP process, which led the City to select the Itineris UMAX and Honeywell solutions. A separate competitive process was managed, resulting in the selection of the Paymentus payment solution. The NavigateOne Statement of Work served as the blueprint for the project, providing the City with a fixed-price agreement based on deliverable and milestone payments, which reduced price risk and protected the City’s interests.

E Source served as the City of Tallahassee’s program manager and provided a number of leadership roles to work with the City’s project team. The City also utilized certain NavigateOne proprietary tools to achieve a successful launch, including:

  • NavigateOne Methodology
  • NavigateOne Statement of Work
  • iCue for Implementation
  • NavigateOne for ALM
  • NavigateOne Automation Framework

“We commend the City of Tallahassee’s executive leaders for their comprehensive planning and vision, along with the project team’s commitment to success, in replacing these mission-critical systems,” says Steve Wenke, vice president at E Source. “We appreciate the confidence the City entrusted to E Source by allowing us to partner with them on this multisystem software selection and implementation. In addition, we appreciate the constant effort and focus to the City’s goals that Itineris and Paymentus provided in the customer service area in order to help the project deliver a high-quality solution.”

With the new Itineris UMAX Customer Information and Customer Self-Service System, Honeywell MDMS, and Paymentus payment solution in place, the City of Tallahassee is better equipped to deliver on its strategic plan to serve its constituents, provide more self-service options, optimize service delivery, and streamline data management.

About E Source

E Source, the data authority for the utility industry, blends industry-leading research, predictive data science, and solution services to help utilities make better decisions to support their customers, their bottom line, and our planet. With a commitment to practical innovation, we use more than three decades of utility-focused experience and our unique solution set to help clients achieve their goal of becoming a Sustainable Utility. E Source is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, with offices across the US.

About the City of Tallahassee

The City of Tallahassee owns and operates five utilities: electric, natural gas, water, sewer, and solid waste. The electric transmission and distribution system serves approximately 119,000 customers; the natural gas distribution system serves 31,000 customers; and the water production and distribution system serves 84,000 metered water customers. For more information, visit www.talgov.com.

Contributing Authors

Director, Marketing

Sannie Sieper is responsible for leading the marketing, event, and member communications for E Source. She is passionate about marketing...