Spencer Sator, senior director of Emerging Technology, has expertise in developing long-term utility strategies for technologies such as EVs, whole-building electrification, and the Internet of Things. Having worked as a consultant for the California Energy Commission and several leading utilities, Spencer has experience designing and launching emerging technology and cleantech initiatives. He has a BS in astrophysics from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Content by this author

What energy-saving tips can help residential customers lower summer bills?

Spencer Sator
August 22, 2022

We give suggestions for how residential customers can save energy and lower costs during hot spells or the summer months. We have ideas for keeping the heat out, limiting activities that create heat, and efficiently using air conditioners.

Highlights of the top utility technologies and trends of 2021

Barend Dronkers, Jesse Hitchcock, Bryan Jungers, Liza Minor, Spencer Sator
January 26, 2022

Each year, our Customer Energy Solutions team highlights the top 20 utility technologies and trends. In this blog post, we share a few of those techs and trends, including advancements in windows, distributed energy resource management systems, building electrification, and cost-effectiveness tests.

Keeping EVs charged during a natural disaster

Spencer Sator
April 7, 2021

With natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, and wildfires occurring more frequently and intensely, utilities need ways to support their electric vehicle customers during a disaster-caused outage.

Refrigerating COVID-19 vaccines with ultralow temperature freezers

Spencer Sator, Logan Jacobson
March 1, 2021

COVID-19 vaccines need to be stored in ultralow temperature freezers, which consume a lot of energy. What can utilities do to minimize how much energy these freezers use? In this report we explain the technology, efficient options, equipment cost estimates, and utility programs.

Building an electrification strategy and roadmap

Spencer Sator
June 18, 2019

During this web conference, we'll highlight how a strong electrification strategy and roadmap can help you adapt to the changing landscape, capture additional revenue, and better serve customers.