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$250 per kWh: The battery price that will herald the terawatt-hour age
Sam Jaffe | December 21, 2022
By 2025, the US electrical grid will be fundamentally changed by batteries as a tidal wave of new stationary energy storage systems is installed. Underlying this transformational change is the plummeting cost of batteries. E Source experts break down what that means for utilities and the grid.
White paper
Building your EV charger asset management plan
Bryan Jungers, Jesse Hitchcock, Liza Minor | March 3, 2022
Anyone deploying electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)—including utilities, cities, states, vendors, and contractors—should build an asset management plan to ensure cost-effectiveness. The plan should include details on sizing, siting, installing, maintaining, and repairing the EVSE.
White paper
The energy equity framework that benefits customers, utilities, and underserved communities
Jesse Hitchcock, Liza Minor, Ben Nathan, Vince Ruggeri, Amy Schmidt, Sarah Baker, Miriam Stein | March 10, 2022
Diversity, equity, and inclusion isn’t a new concept for utilities, but there is a new energy equity movement sweeping the utility industry. In this white paper, we present our energy equity framework that will benefit customers, utilities, and underserved communities.
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The electrification framework that benefits customers, the grid, and the planet
Luke Currin, Steven Day, Bryan Jungers, Bill LeBlanc, Ryan Odell, Jay Stein, Tim Stout, Kevin Andrews, Gabe Cuadra | September 8, 2020
Electrification is the increased adoption of electric end-use technologies. Utilities and governments see electrification as a way to reach their energy, climate, and sustainability goals. This E Source white paper can help organizations develop electrification strategies that benefit everyone.
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Customer engagement through smart meter portals
Beth Hartman, Bill LeBlanc | February 2, 2015
The key to customer engagement in smart meter data is presenting this information effectively, which can be done through website portals that are compelling, actionable, and available on customers’ preferred communications channels.
White paper
Battery killers: How water heaters have evolved into grid-scale energy-storage devices
David Podorson | September 9, 2014
Most people think of their water heater as a device designed solely for heating bath water or helping to wash a sink full of dishes. But electric water heaters can provide some of the most rapidly responding, flexible, scalable, and cost-effective energy storage available.
White paper
High tech versus high hype: Avoiding the pitfalls of black-box technologies
Essie Snell | August 27, 2014
Over the years, we've reviewed hundreds of energy-efficiency products for our members. In this white paper, we describe our methodology for evaluating unfamiliar technologies and identify specific technical and psychological factors that can lead to confusion about a product’s likely efficacy.
White paper
Apples and oranges: Aggregating data from electricity-conservation programs
Bryan Jungers, Tim Stout | March 7, 2014
E Source has been collecting information about demand-side management (DSM) program performance to answer powerful questions about the industry as a whole. We're addressing big-picture questions about our industry by taking a data-driven approach to industry analysis and benchmarking.
White paper
Mind the gap: Taking a comprehensive look at plug load energy use
Essie Snell | November 30, 2012
Plug loads account for as much as 15% of all residential electricity consumption and 20% of commercial consumption. Unfortunately, it's hard to find good test data on how much power each plug load draws and what its associated energy consumption is. E Source sheds light on the problem.
White paper