E Source conducts an online survey of US and Canadian utilities’ social media efforts to help inform the industry on social media strategy, design, and implementation, as well as to determine social media trends and common practices. This survey polls leaders in utility social media on a variety of topics, including:

  • Channels and audience
  • Uses and goals
  • Policies and other documentation
  • Digital strategy
  • Staffing and budgets
  • Metrics and reporting
  • State of the industry
  • Lessons learned

By participating in this valuable research, you can find out how your social media tactics compare to those of your peers, learn how to achieve social media success, and gain valuable insight into:

  • Social media uses, goals, and challenges
  • New social media channels and strategies utilities are using
  • How other social media teams are staffed and funded

What you get

All participants will receive access to a webinar where we’ll share results and highlight key insights and trends. Participating members of the E Source Corporate Communications Service will receive:

  • Access to best-practice reports, webinars, and networking events
  • A personalized summary data review with an E Source expert (upon request)

Participating utilities that aren’t members of the Corporate Communications Service will receive an executive summary data review with an E Source expert upon request. If your utility doesn’t subscribe to the Corporate Communications Service but you’re interested in receiving the full set of deliverables, please contact us.



The Social Media Survey gathers data from electric and gas companies in the US and Canada. Survey questions are based on input from social media leaders, frequent Ask E Source inquiries related to utility social media efforts, and E Source expertise and knowledge of social media best practices.

Study results

If you’re a subscriber, these links will take you to the study deliverables. If you’re not currently a subscriber, contact us for information on how to become an E Source member.

Example of Social Media Survey findings

This is a thumbnail of the Social Media Survey 2018 infographic

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