An independent group of judges selected the winners based on message, creativity, results, call to action or brand connection, and overall impression. We honored the winners at a special awards session at the

E Source Forum 2024.

Affordability and equity

First place: Independent Electricity System Operator

Home heating hero


Second place: SoCalGas

California alternate rates for energy

Brand and sustainability

First place: Tampa Electric

Your neighbor Mr. Sun

Second place: First Energy

Light the way

Energy efficiency and demand response

First place: BGE

Through and through

Second place: Idaho Power

Good energy

Energy generation and renewable energy

First place: LG&E and KU

Solar share

Second place: Alabama Power

Clean energy

Internal communications

First place: Alabama Power

Second-chance tree-trimming program

Second place: SoCalGas

Women’s recruitment

Mobility and EVs

First place: PNM

Transportation electrification program 2023

Second place: ComEd

Your future is electric


Safety, emergencies, and outages

First place: Austin Energy

Customer outage prep communications and education


Second place: SaskPower

SaskPower farm safety



First place: Evergy

YOUtility val prop evolution

Second place: Enbridge Gas

Enbridge gas meter reading
