Looking for this year’s E Source Ad Awards winners?

An independent group of judges selected the winners based on message, creativity, results, call to action or brand connection, and overall impression. We honored the winners at a special awards session at E Source Forum 2021.


First place: Georgia Power

Second place: Con Edison

Energy-efficiency and demand-response programs

First place: Public Service Co. of Oklahoma, an AEP company

Second place: Central Hudson Gas & Electric

Image of Central Hudson Gas & Electric's foldable mailer promoting its commercial gas program.

Safety and emergency or outage communications

First place: Enbridge Gas

Second place: PG&E


First place: Duke Energy


Second place: Alectra Utilities

Image of Alectra Utilities' Facebook and Instagram ads promoting paperless billing.

Solar, storage, electric vehicles, and electrification

First place: SDG&E

Animated digital ad promoting SDG&E's electric vehicle program.

Second place: BGE

Home energy management and smart home

First place: Cleco

Second place: FPL

Special awards

Best gas campaign: DTE Energy

Best pandemic assistance campaign: Nashville Electric Service

Best sustainability campaign: Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Most creative social media campaign: Huntsville Utilities

Best water campaign: Colorado Springs Utilities
